MOTIHARI: Piqued over alleged corruptions and day to day arbitrary decisions in financial, administrative and teachers’ appointment affairs in Mahatma Gandhi Central university(MGCUB) at Motihari, Chancellor of MGCU Dr Mahesh Sharma gird up his loins to punish it’s contentitious Vice-Chancellor Dr Sanjeev Kumar Sharma.
After writing two letters to President of India within last fortnight requesting President Ramnath Kovid to send VC on leave before initiating through inquiry in to the matter, Chancellor sent another letter to ministry of Human Resource department in Delhi on Monday.
In the letter Chancellor said it is a clarification and necessary supplement regarding two letters from Chancellor to VC. Chancellor has not acted in haste. He said, in fact he exhausted all process before requesting president- the visitor for intervention and appropriate action.
“I stand convinced beyond any doubt that the whole track –record of incumbent VC, right from his selection as lecturer to reader –professor and VC defies all standards norms and procedures”, he quipped adding that this is classic case study for IIM,UGC and DOPT which will establish how our state universities or even Central universities are being run. He questioned on the university court meetings happened after four years of establishments of the university. “Listed as authorities no 1 in the central university acts, court meetings are at the discretion of VC and his subordinate.
Chancellor in his letter portrayed the grim pictures of Chancellor Office and Chancellor helplessness. He said that Chancellor being placed as head of the institution of CU act has no enabling provisions and support system, not even a modest office and is fully dependent on courtesies and services of VC.
In an unusual move, the Chancelor voiced over functioning of executive Council (EC) and academic council (AC) and other administrative, financial and academic affairs. He said, there are series of representations complains and petitions during last one year especially regarding irregularities in the appointments of VC and in various departments including Gandhian studies and mass communications. The conducts of the VC is totally against the ethical norms expected from a central university named after Mahatma Gandhi. “He is habitual to lie, liquor and more”, Chancellor said adding that he is deeply concerned as the VC ignored various instructions related to Gandhi-150 celebrations.
Besides, Prof. Karmatma Pandey, a senior member of executive council of MGCUB registered his dissents with VC’s arbitrary decision time and again. Pandey objected ‘Forced resignation’ of Prof Sandeep Kumar and insertions of those lines in the minutes that was neither raised nor discussed in the EC meetings. First VC of this central university Arvind Agrawal has to quit on the similar footing.
Unfortunately, ever since Dr Sanjeev Sharma took over as the Vice-Chancellor of MGCUB, his tenure too has been a controversial one. Although, this time around, when Chancellor approached president with a number of allegations against him, Sharma pulled himself down to a completely new low.
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