Sagar Suraj
MOTIHARI: “Say Yes to Life, No to Drugs” is a pledge that encourages people to stay away from drugs and live a healthy life. It is a campaign that aims to raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse and addictions.
71th battalion of Sashatra Seema Bal(SSB) deployed on indo Nepal- border has launched this campaign. The village folk on porous border of India-Nepal is largely affected with drugs additions but SSB personnel’s lays their helping hands and have been trying to convince them about the drawbacks of addictions.
During this much talked campaign, large numbers of villagers taken pledge, made a commitment to themselves and their loved ones that they will not use drugs. The pledge is promoted by local public representatives and social organization.
On Saturday, in continuation to the SSB Campaign on "Say No to Drugs and Psychotropic Substances", a village level meeting cum awareness rally has been conducted by 71th Battalion SSB Motihari in the Regania village on Indo-Nepal Border in East Champaran district in Bihar under direction of Sh. Prafull Kumar, Commandant 71 Battalion SSB.
Villagers were apprised about the harmful effects of consumption of any kind of drug and were requested to refrain themselves completely from the consumption of drugs before it destroys their health, future and takes away their lives.
Villagers were informed that Drugs may even destroy a complete generation. Drug use distracts attention leading to academic failure and poor social skills. Stress plays a major role in drug use and continuing drug abuse. It also creates problem in our family, school and with our friends. The person’s reflexes will become slower; they will have trouble working and doing things which require any physical and mental coordination.
In spite of knowing the harmful effects of drugs, people spend lots of money and consume them to forget their worries and sorrows and to seek happiness. Once a person is addicted, it is very hard to stop taking drugs. Sh. Prafull Kr. Commandant, Sh. Ansal Srivastava Asstt. Commandant, Jawans and local villagers attended the mass awareness among others.
( With inputes from Sanjeev Jaishwal, Ghodasahan)
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