SHO along with two suspended in connection with Hazat suicide case
Chapra: SP Santosh Kumar has suspended Avatar Nagar SHO, Ram Chandra Tiwary, ASI Mithilesh Kumar Das and Chawkidar Vinod Kumar Manjhi for their lack of vigilance and alertness and deriliction of duty due to which an accused committed suicide inside Hazat. SP told that accused of killing his infant daughter, Shailesh Pandey of Moazzampur village under the Avatar Nagar police station was arrested on 23 February and put indise Hazat around 4 pm. On the same day, around 6 pm, he committed suicide by hanging himself. SP said that CCTV footage shows that the accused was not beaten and was nit meted out with any violance. The accused managed to tear the core of the blanket and hanged himself by the ventilator above the urinal around 6 pm. An inquest was done by the magistrate and medical board was constituted. After videography the corpse was sent for postmortem.
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